Employment Opportunities

Superior, Montana
We are situated in the best part of America’s Last Best Place, Superior is an ideal place to live, work and recreate, as we are a national destination for prime fishing, hunting, camping and hiking.
Superior is located in Western Montana, less than an hour west of Missoula, MT and an hour and a half east of Coeur d’Alene, ID on I-90. We have an elementary school with grades EK-6th and a JH/HS for grades 7-12. The schools are located on the same campus in two separate buildings.
Although our district is rural, we enjoy an unusually robust level of teaching/learning technology. As a K-12 one-to-one laptop initiative school, all students have the opportunity to engage in technology firsthand and are issued a Chromebook at the start of every year. All teachers K-12 are issued a laptop. We are an MTSS school as we seek to engage each learner individually and provide targeted instruction and support to ensure educational success. We have a very caring learning community, and we want all of our teachers to succeed. We have a strong, staff-led committee process that encourages shared decision-making throughout our schools and contributes to our on-going school improvement process.
Academic Qualifications for Certified Positions: Must possess or have pending a Montana OPI certified Class 2 standard licensure specified for the position of which you are applying.
For more information, please contact:
Logan Labbe, Superintendent
Superior Public Schools
P.O. Box 400
Superior, Montana 59872
406-822-3600 x 207